People hire lawyers to resolve legal problems. Although no lawyer can guarantee results, there is a certain level of competency that is expected from a legal professional. Sometimes, a lawyer’s mistake constitutes legal malpractice and can cause problems for the client beyond the original issue. This can be a confusing, stressful, and costly experience for a client. If this has happened to you, an experienced Johnson County civil litigation attorney could help you can seek compensation for the mistakes made by your original attorney.
Examples of legal malpractice include:
- Negligence
- Conflict of interest
- Breach of contract
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Falling below standard of care
- Failure to meet important deadlines
- Failure to meet statutes of limitation
Should I File a Malpractice Lawsuit?
Anyone who has experienced legal malpractice quickly finds out how costly a legal mistake can be. It is not only financial losses that can occur but also damage in relation to the legal matter that was being addressed. Opportunities may be lost or errors may be made which place the client in a difficult legal situation. Gross injustices may even occur which deprive the client of their rights and liberties. Through a legal malpractice lawsuit, victims can seek monetary damages for the losses incurred.
Our Team Serves All of Johnson County
At Martin Law Group, we represent people who have experienced legal malpractice. The key to competently addressing a legal malpractice case is to understand the underlying legal issue. Besides using our own knowledge and experience to understand the issue at hand, we work with experts in the areas of medicine, economics, finance, engineering, and other relevant fields. This helps us to better assess the damages caused by your original attorney and thus present a convincing argument in pursuit of fair compensation in your civil litigation case.
Contact a Johnson County legal malpractice lawyer for help righting the wrongs of your original attorney by seeking compensation.