Johnson County Visitation Attorney

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Part of the divorce process involves determining which parent(s) will be granted physical custody of the child or children. When one parent is granted sole physical custody, it does not mean that the other parent is not allowed to remain a part of their child’s life from that point on; they may still be able to obtain a visitation order.

If it is considered to be in the best interest of the child, the non-custodial parent may be granted a court order allowing them to spend a certain amount of time visiting their child.

The Kansas Statutes Annotated § 23-3208 states that a parent is entitled to reasonable visitation rights unless it will cause the child physical, mental or emotional harm and may be enforced under K.S.A. § 75-720.

How a Family Law Attorney Could Help

When you need to obtain visitation rights, you must first hire an attorney with the experience and persuasive ability to prove to the court that your visiting the child would be in their best interest. Unless you are able to prove this to the judge and jury, your chances of being granted visitation will be much slimmer. At Martin Law Group, our team has spent many years as a professional speaker and is skilled in the area of persuasion and argument. With the firm’s legal team on your side, you can be sure that your attorney is capable of providing the best results possible.

Get the Trusted Guidance of Our Johnson County Divorce Attorney

Begin your initial consultation, call today to discuss your options and learn what we could do for you. Even if you are only considering divorce, we could answer your questions and counsel you on what course to take. Contact an Johnson County visitation lawyer today

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