Serving Kansas 913-764-9700

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Personal Injury Law Firm Hosts Dr. Snow for a CLE Regarding Acute vs Chronic Disc Pathologies

This week, the Martin Law Group, LLC hosted a CLE (Continuing Legal Education) at their law firm.  The guest speaker was Dr.…

Blue Springs, MO – Moore Tyler Hurt in Crash on I-70 near MM 17.8

Blue Springs, MO (October 22, 2024) – Emergency officials were called to the scene of a major motor vehicle accident in…

Clinton, MO – Nicholas Smith Hurt in Car Crash on N 2nd St at E Ohio St

Clinton, MO (October 21, 2024) – Authorities confirmed that a 25-year-old from Clinton, Kansas, was injured as a result of a…

Johnson County Embezzlement Attorney

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Charged with embezzlement in Johnson County?

Embezzlement is a type of theft crime. It involves the outright stealing or misappropriating funds from another, such as an employer, when the offender has been trusted to be responsible for those funds. It is a serious crime, often with serious penalties.

At the Martin Law Group, LLC, our Johnson County criminal defense attorneys are experienced in dealing with the complexities that often surround an embezzlement charge. If you are facing embezzlement charges, you are going to want quality legal counsel to defend you.

Protecting Your Rights Throughout Johnson County

When you have been accused of stealing money from another person or company, or diverting funds from a business account for your own unauthorized personal use, you can be charged with embezzlement. It is more common for employees to commit this crime, but it could also apply to anyone who has been entrusted to care for the finances of another. Examples include personal accountants, attorneys, insurance agents, guardians and more.

Key Points in Embezzlement Cases

Some key points regarding the charge of embezzlement are that the victim and the offender must have a relationship with each other of a fiduciary nature and the offender was able to access funds as a result of that relationship. Additionally, the offender must have actually appropriated the funds and kept them for personal use, or relayed them to another unauthorized recipient. Lastly, it must be proven that the offender did this action intentionally.

Embezzlement charges can become quite complex. We are skilled at knowing how to investigate such charges, including thoroughly reviewing computer transactions, business records, receipts and other documents. We have successfully defended clients charged with this and other white-collar crimes and are ready to be a staunch advocate for you. We may be able to get charges reduced or even dismissed.

Contact our Johnson County criminal defense lawyer today to start building your defense.

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